Kerry Anne King talks Improbably Yours on the Desideratum Podcast

Desideratum is one of my favorite podcasts for several reasons! First off, host Theresa Bakken is such a thoughtful and insightful reader and interviewer — during our conversation she made me understand things about Improbably Yours that hadn’t been clear to me before even though I’m the one who wrote the book!

For example, I realized how so many things in the book aren’t what they seem — the characters, the quest, Improbable House, and even Vinland Island! It’s not just that they are all keeping secrets, it’s that appearances are deceiving and we are, all of us, often mistaken about what we believe to be reality.

Another reason I love Desideratum is because Theresa also includes a clip from the audio book in her podcast episodes. I’m super excited about the audio book for Improbably Yours, because it has dual narrators! Teri Clark Linden, who has voiced most of my books, is back to read the part of Blythe, and Flynn’s POV chapters are read by Aaron Shedlock.

Listen on Desideratum (and follow it!) or listen right here!

Here’s a quick little Behind the Scenes clip!


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